Renzix's Blog

Linux, Emacs and More

Monster 2

As the air flows to the east through the cage door a whistling sound can be heard. Inside this cage is a monster but unlike normal monsters who roam the earth this monster stays here. While locked up his cage the monster hears something. The sound seems all too familar. It is as if someone was weeping. Concerned but deterrmined to not leave his prison the monster yells out “Hello? Is anyone there?


Overview There are multiple different ways to give a editor a action. In my opinion the most helpful way to look at what an action needs to be bound to is by looking at the following ways. Some of these can be argued to be the same but in my opinion that misses the point. I will probably go in depth on why these feel the same later in the post.


(revised january 31st) As the air flows to the east through the cage door a whistling sound can be heard. Inside this cage is a monster but unlike normal monsters who roam the earth this monster stays here. One day a hiker named John was hiking in this woods and heard weeping. With each step the cries grew in intensity. Along the trail he gazed at a steel door with four sturdy bars.

What makes emacs different

I am suprised I never talked about this on this blog so here is some content about why you should care about emacs and what you can take away in comparison to other editors. There are more things but here are some of the big ones emphasised in emacs. Customizability Emacs is extremely customizable because it fundementally is a lisp interpreter at its core. Unlike other editors whom have a plugin system built ontop of the editor, emacs is mostly elisp which is used to configure the editor.

Living morally in the real world

The world is full of objects and people. The world is also full of information related to objects and people such as emotion and details. This incedible concept is insanely hard for people to grasp because we as humans are not built for understanding how to interact with so much information. So how do we do it? We guess. Humans are great at guessing. The problem with modern society is that when you make a guess on the internet, the guess is there forever.

Emacs Reborn

The other night i was thinking about how modern emacs rewrite would work and what it would be. I was thinking why emacs is a single application and how to justify that in the modern day. I dont think emacs goes far enough for integration with the rest of the desktop and could go further. I came up with the idea that emacs should not be a text editor/program but a compositor.

Greatest Editor Improved

Now that we talked about vi we can talk about vim and nvim. I am going to group nvim and vim together because most of the fundementals dont change and the parts that do change can be explained pretty easily. Note all things in vi apply to vim/nvim. Text objects This is one of the most interesting points of vim which is rarely in other text editors for whatever reason. Text objects are well text areas based on what keybind associated with it.

The greatest terminal editor

Vi is one of the 2 oldest relevant text editors. Vi is also probably the most unique actually good text editor and inspired many other text editors due to some of its key features. The point of this series is to show what you can take away from different text editors so lets get into what makes vi special(hint: its alot). This will be more about POSIX compliant vi and not vim because there are alot of different features in vim that aren’t in POSIX vi.

Magit is better then git

I love git. I think one of the main reasons I love git is because magit exists and makes things much easier. So why would I use a git gui when the git commandline is so good? Well git is awful when it comes to long or complex commands. While porcelain makes it easier, there are still some things that are hard to do within git. For example, if I wanted to clean up a branch in order to submit a PR(very common thing for me).